Lunaris, also known as Lún The Moon. One popular story involving Lún happened shortly after the Convergence. NASA launched a spacecraft to explore the new moon that had replaced the old one. Upon landing and stepping out of their craft, they were amazed by the strange, yet beautiful plants everywhere. There was a path that led to a garden outside a white and midnight blue mansion and in the middle of the garden was a table set up for tea with exactly the number of astronauts and a strange floating alien baby thing. The Moonbaby (Lún) politely offered them tea and cakes, and assured them they wouldn’t have to worry about suffocating or the vacuum of space in his presence. After that, NASA adopted Lún as their unofficial mascot, and often have Lún plushies and other merchandise in gift shops at their centers. (Perhaps I should clarify that one of the four original worlds was a B.O.E. Boring Ol’ Earth. (aka exactly like ours). Lún is the Moon, but is also the cute baby form, and is also in multiple places at once yet still one being, but able to interact personally on multiple fronts no problem. (Real mind-bending quantum physics higher dimensional stuff happening here). All Spirits are able to do this, though they (specifically the ones that used to be mortals) are limited by their ability to grasp and comprehend it. For Lún who was a Spirit from the start, it’s as simple as breathing. For a Spirit who used to be a person like you or me, they may take several hundred or even a thousand years before they finally wrap their head around all the crazy higher dimensional stuff.