Ah yes. The Timekeeper. Also known as TK for short. He was somehow given jurisdiction over emergent space-time. It is unclear if he is an Original Spirit, or simply traveled to the past and inserted himself very early in the timeline. You’d think a Spirit who could rewind time or help you travel instantly anywhere would be highly sought after— and you’d be right, to a degree— the problem is, he’s very frustrating to work with. His contract is the simplest; he will grant any wish… as long as it’s not boring. He created a Tower of Challenge in the middle of nowhere. When one enters it, their own personal time is paused, so they don’t age, get hungry, or get tired (physically, at least). The tower’s floors are each a series of grueling challenges that increase in difficulty. If you manage to successfully reach the top, he has to grant your wish (by his own rules), but will do it grudgingly while verbally roasting you if it’s boring. “Oh please, that’s been done a million times already, can’t you come up with anything even slightly original?” If someone walks into a tavern groaning with misery and says they met The Timekeeper, there will often be pats of sympathy and mumbles of, “Ya shoulda known better.” or, “Oh yeah, I heard he’s like that.” The fact that he is near-universally despised does not bother him at all, to the contrary, he finds it hilarious, and that just incites him to be more of a full-of-himself jerk to people. Even other Spirits don’t really like him (which he also finds endless amusement in). TK will often take interest in eccentric individuals and watch their lives like a tv show. If they really entertain him, he might be willing to show up personally to offer help (so the “story” won’t end). He is a master of skirting loopholes and technically not breaking any of the Rules the Spirits follow.
Aster the Stars