Valorus of the month of Valorus. Yes, the names match. Spirit of Valor, competition, self-improvement, adventure, and questing. This month is popular to hold olympic style competitions and games. Valorus also loves taking part, even though his over-enthusiasm leads him to blowing everyone out of the water (only sometimes literally). People mostly ignore him and carry on with the competition with “second place” counting as first place (you can’t really beat an immortal Spirit who breaks the laws of physics, after all.) Valoris isn’t doing this to show off, he just gets way too caught up in the excitement. He will stop everything if he senses an unhealthy competitive spirit (the metaphorical kind), like jealousy, win-obsession, or plans to cheat. He will lecture that person at best, or, if they remain stubborn, grab them and make them go through character building trials. It was said that Valorus used to be a heroic knight in the Volcanum Kingdom. People are pretty sure he hasn’t changed his exact appearance from back when he was mortal. He’s a fairly recent Spirit, so historical recordings of his exploits are still well-known.