Chimera, the Spirit of celebration. This month is popular for festivals and other celebrations, so named the month of Festivus. Chimera loves to sing, dance, tell stories, and overall just adds to the festival vibe. It doesn’t matter how little decorations or resources, when Chimera shows up, suddenly colors seem more vibrant, decorations no one remembers putting up are there, and people find food and fun aplenty during the celebration. In the small country of Adventuria, some people wonder if the Mask Ones were a wizard's failed attempt to try and “create a Spirit” based on the mask-theming. Maybe that’s just a coincidence, who knows. Some people theorize that Chimera theirselves is actually an artificial Spirit, an extremely powerful construct, perhaps made by a Spirit itself. Chimera is usually too busy dancing and singing to answer any questions, so nobody knows.
The Tinker