The Tinker, Spirit of crafting. Holidays around this time tend to involve making something with your hands, whether for a contest, a gift, or a personal challenge. Bombastic and loud, The Tinker has a booming enthusiasm. He tends to personally host craft contests, inspecting the final results himself. Sometimes he just shows up out of nowhere and does small home repairs to those without the means to do it themselves. He loves inventing and innovation, crafting is his art, and he wants to share the joy of crafting with everyone. Many who make artifacts rely on his help. His contracts involve honesty, integrity,  and having to sell your item at a fair price. He won’t make it for you though, you have to learn that yourself; he’ll just give you some pointers here and there, or the blueprints, as it were. There’s a small medieval village which has a house and workshop they claim used to be The Tinker’s when he was alive. It’s a tourist spot today. When asked, the Tinker himself said, “Hmm, could be, could be,” in-between hammer blows.



