Kirin, the Spirit of Flourishing. Kirin watches over all green growing things. Kirin’s rule: For every thing you take, give back. If you chop down a tree to make a house, be sure to plant one in its place. (Kirin will give little perks if you plant extra). If you pluck a fruit, bury its seed. If you take too much from nature without giving back, Kirin will come after you. Usually Kirin will give a lecture and make you do extra care for the plants in your area until you’ve given back the equal to what you’ve taken. If you still refuse, Kirin can do things like turn all the wood that made your house back into trees. Of course, all Spirits are limited by what’s in their jurisdiction. If an area wants nothing to do with her and her plant-growing benefits, then they can take as much as they want… until they have nothing left. They can make a contract then for help (which happens surprisingly often) and then Kirin can implement her rules as Spirit of the month of Flourus. Apparently a scholar heard from Kirin’s own mouth that she used to be a deer. She told a story of eating grass without a care. Then, after days of no rain, the grass shriveled and died, and the deer had to move on for other food. When all hope of survival seemed lost, the deer came across a small glade fed by an underground spring. The deer was never more grateful for plants. She treated every bite as an honored sacrifice. The deer raised several families there and finally perished of old age, curled in a soft patch of that very treasured grass, thanking it one last time with all the base instincts and thoughtless intuition a deer can muster. Then the deer was reborn as Kirin and awareness and higher understanding flooded her mind. Despite having been an actual animal (not one of the intelligent talking kind) Kirin seems to have intuitively grasped their Spirit powers quicker than most thinking beings who become Spirits.